We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming Winter Webinar Series, featuring two leading voices from Penn State: Dr. Tara Felix and Dustin Heeter! This two-part series, hosted by the Eastern...
Join us this winter for an exclusive two-part webinar series, featuring Penn State’s beef cattle experts Dr. Tara Felix and Dustin Heeter! Session 1: Nutrition and Grass-Fed Programs with...
Join us this winter for an exclusive two-part webinar series, featuring Penn State’s beef cattle experts Dr. Tara Felix and Dustin Heeter! Session 1: Nutrition and Grass-Fed Programs with...
To all our Eastern Aberdeen Association members: we have big news to share about some changes coming from our parent organization, the American Aberdeen Association (AAA). The AAA Board...
The Eastern Aberdeen Association is thrilled to congratulate everyone who participated in The Big E this year. As New England’s largest fair, held annually in West Springfield, Massachusetts, The...
The Ohio Beef Expo is the premier event for Ohio’s beef industry attracting over 30,000 beef industry enthusiasts annually. Each Spring the Ohio Beef Expo provides attendees with a...
The National Western Stock Show, established in 1906, is the premier livestock, rodeo, and horse show in the nation, serving agricultural producers and consumers throughout the world.
A premier cattle event for the youth of Indiana to participate at on the first weekend of December. There is a showmanship contest Friday, a judging contest and an...
The Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the livestock industry, agriculture education, and preserving the western way of life. The premiere...